my Blue trike Life

walkabout, on a journey to a greater destination

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Porn Sunday, are our Chruches game?

Porn Sucks

on October 9 2005, this year, some Chruches accross the USA will be holding a special Porn Sunday to take the issue of pornography seriosly, and talk porn amongst their church
but i want to know, is the church in Australia game to talk Porn?
pornography is destroying lives all over the world, not just people viewing it but of course the poeple involved in the porn industry too
after purchasing the Flicker Rocks Harder compalation cd released by Flicker Records, record label of Pillar their most recognised band, i also got on the cd a free accountability program called X3 watch also available for download on the #1 Christian Porn Site, yep that's right, Christian Porn Site, #1 maybe cause they are probably also the only, but hey
XXXChruch is a website run by Mike Foster and Craig Gross two young Pastors who figured it was about time God's people decided to get serious about Porn
In a Nutshell: "XXXchurch exists to bring awareness, openness, accountability and recovery to the church, society and individuals in the issues of pornography and to begin to provide solutions through non-judgmental and creative means. XXXchurch is here to make you think, react and to decide where you stand on the issues of porn. We're not here to sling mud, but to shove the envelope and try and do some good."
more needs to be said and restoration needs to happen in so many peoples lives, because porn is trying to hide behind an cone of silence, and it's not a pretty thing
so Porn Sunday, or Porn Wednesday it doesn't matter, but what does matter is that we are willing to shine the light into the issue of porn and be prepared to lovingly help all those in need, and to some the amount of those in need may be much greater than they expect, but that's the reality, not turning a blind eye

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

i could be a little biased though

Sydney, the old stomping ground
my birth place
my real earth home
here i am at Morling College
in "the block" where my sister lives
her room is covered with pictures
and her lonely computer sits in the corner
i have had a good time here so far
met Kimmy's boyfriend Ben
went to my Grandparents place for dinner
caught up with my friend Jannelle (jaja)
shopping at the Macq Centre and Burkenhead
going to rehearsals with Kimmy for her performance
watching 18 or so mainly girls in their 20's warm up every part of their bodies
vocals, tongue, jogging, slo-mo jogging, face stretch, muscle stretch
some are funny to watch and i tried not to laugh
but this one they did where they are pretending to shoot bow and arrow
i just couldn't not laugh after a while
their performance of Shakespeare's A Midnight Summers Dream is on thursday night
and the Blues show the Marrons who is Boss in tonights State of Origion
the weather is great
Sydney is great
i could be a little biased though

Thursday, June 09, 2005

trying to have fun though

so life isn't all bad
i am going to Sydney to visit Kimmy (my lil sis)
before she heads off to Canada for a few months
i haven't flown somewhere since about '96
my family flew up to darwin for my uncle David's wedding
but that was in a Herc there and back from Sydney
and not in a 747 since we flew into Melbourne after 3 years in the U.S. in '92
so that will be cool
and have been looking around at digital cameras
gonna get one soon
a good one
will blog about it when i get one
oh and have been hanging out a bit with a great guy Blake
he is over in Australia for a couple months
he is on a cultural mission experience as apart of a program from his church
he is from Texas, but doesn't have too bad an accent
and he is like only about 6 months older than me
we get on really well
was Kelly's birthday last week and that was lots of fun
me and Blake painted a skateboard together at the plaster funhouse
it is this place where you buy a moulded plaster object and paint it yourself
i have lots to do in the next couple days before i go to Sydney
just wish i could stop time so i could re-arange things the way i would like them
so i would have no worries at all
for somebody who never worries
i tend to be doing alot of it lately
trying to have fun though
that tends to keep things off my mind

i think i will go eat some ice cream

no i am not on a blogging fast
i am not stopping blogging
i have just had alot of stuff on my mind at the moment
agonising over my job and how long i want to stay there
whether or not to start applying for jobs now or wait a little bit
planning what i am doing in the coming week
as i am going to Sydney to visit my lil sister
working out getting annual leave to go visit Tab in a month
trying to work out why i have become so much more selfish this year
wondering how to reignite my passions
i just feel pretty dull at the moment
and spending time with people to try to get out of that
i also haven't been spending as much time at the keyboard
dunno why just haven't
i have also been rethinking some other things i do
i have been continually frustrated
and talked about it
let people know i thought there was a problem
and although it has been recognised that there is
nothing has been done and nothing changed
i feel pretty un-valued
and like i am just waisting my time there
i think i will go eat some ice cream