Gulp @
Dictionary.comv. gulped, gulpĀ·ing, gulps
v. tr.
1.To swallow greedily or rapidly in large amounts: gulp down coffee.
2.To choke back by or as if by swallowing.
v. intr.
1.To choke or gasp, as in swallowing large amounts of liquid.
2.To swallow air audibly, as in nervousness.
1.The act of gulping.
2.A large amount swallowed at one time.
1.A whole bunch of young people in Ballarat, together connecting with God.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[From Middle English gulpen, or from Flemish or Dutch gulpen.]
Gulp was born out of the... well God i suppose and through the hearts of a bunch of youth who make up the Snr Teen Ministry Team from the youth of the Ballarat Baptist Churches. In particular one young man Mr. Daniel "Dan the man"/"Pantsdown" Lansdown has really been the man behind the vision and the dream for a community of young people in Ballarat to be connecting with God in a way that for them is real and understandable.
not to be be-littleing any other persons contribution though.
the first Gulp was held during the month of August at the Wendouree Baptist Church building, and went fairly well in that they did what they wanted to do, but what happened wasn't what they wanted (these are my comments and not necesarilly those of others), this was my understanding after a chat with Dan later that night. in other words, it didn't turn out the way it was supposed to. this was due to a number of factors, some of which were totally unexpected by those involved.
it was a night of food, friends, fun, stories, short videos, and live music. God was apart of all these aspects of the night of course. oh and Gulp is NOT a Youth Service.
to discuss the future of Gulp and where exactly it was heading Daniel,
Trav, Harvey, and myself met to nut it out, or more so, to get Daniel to nut out exactly where it was to go. Trav and I assured Daniel that it needed a leader and that he obviously should be that person. besides he came up with the name "Gulp", and he is a good leader, and does have the vision. many things came out of this night, but was mainly a brainstorm and a night to get together the vision and future of Gulp, so it could be then explained to others.
so last Sunday night a bunch of youth from the Baptist Churches in Ballarat gathered, with Dan leading with the vision of Gulp after watching a video about a youth church. the things that are valued at Gulp, and many aspects of what is to be were discussed. another meeting to dsicuss the first real episode of Gulp, you could just call the other one the pilot, is set and hopefully a Gulp Blog will be formed!
so if you would like to pray for Gulp and Daniel as he gets together a core team, i'm sure it would be greatly appreciated, as soon as they get something on the net, i will post it up, so you can see what is happening.
that's all for now but there will be more Gulp to come.